
'i can't seem to find my touch anymore. i've completely lost it.'

'when did you realize we were not meant to be? did it come to you in a dream? because i cannot see how someone can turn veracities into lies overnight so easily?'

'she doesn't understand that my decisions are based on personal experience, personal doubts, it's like pulling teeth to get that point accross.'

'i'm not asking you, i'm telling you that i need these answers. if you can't help me i'll find someone else.'

'why can't you just lower your sights? is it that you just can't stand not knowing? it's like having a the skin of an apple stuck in your teeth...you try and try to get it out, but in the end you never actually do any removal, naturally it dissolves and you forget about it. just forget about me.'

'i'll take your advice.'

'you should have started doing that months ago, why wait until it's all over?'

'that's how girls work.'

'i don't even want to ask, nor do i want to know how you work or what you do on your days off. girls are forever supposed to be a mystery. we as men are always trying to accomplish something to impress them, seriously. any musician, artist, physicist, statician, author, webmaster, etcetera. we all have the same goal - get the girl.'

'if you aren't going to learn what works for us, then you will never "get the girl."'

'then it's over.'

'is this the end?'

'it's a perfect ending to a horrible story, no one could write us this terribly.'

'then it must be the end.'

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